I love this country and it hurts to see the downward path in
which it’s going thanks to the Christian Fundamentalists.
During the last thirty years or so, slowly at first and
rapidly during the last ten years, the country has seen the Christian Fundamentalists;
exercise their influence in Congress, ignoring our Constitution for their
personal religious gain, while claiming that they want to honor the
Constitution. These Fundamentalists, now better known as the Tea Party, will
rally behind any white politician
that is willing to dance to the tune they play, which it’s usually anything that
is against science, technological advances and respecting every individual’s
right to choose, whether this choice is to have a family or to choose a spouse
of the same sex. If the Fundamentalists aka The Tea Party doesn’t like what
you like, too bad for you. They feel they have the right to interfere in your
personal life, in who you choose to love, whether you choose to have a family
or terminate a pregnancy for whichever reason you may have; no one chooses an
abortion lightly the woman that chooses to terminate a pregnancy does so after
serious thoughts about that action, it is always a hard and difficult decision
but it should always be a personal decision, not a government decision or a
community decision. But to the Fundamentalists, it doesn’t matter that you
might be an atheist and therefore you have no fear of the afterlife or if you
will burn for eternity in the fire pits of hell – the Fundamentalists believe that
their God is a vengeful god and apparently they have a direct line to the
almighty where He tells them what to do and who can do it and you, a mere
mortal, have no saying in the matter – out the window goes the ‘free will.’
They believe in Judgment Day but, they have decided that their God might not be
a very good judge to ‘prosecute’ you so instead; they have decided to be judge,
juror and executioners. This same group of Fundamentalists while Liberals make
fun of them, have shown they’re smart enough or at least their leaders are, to
invade our political system, manipulated it in their favor and now they even
have members of Congress that proudly claim to be part of The Tea Party. Fundamentalists
long for the good old days, where white mobs were free to lynch black people
without being brought to justice, they long for the Victorian age, they long
for the time where Civil Rights were nonexistent or were only applied to white
people. They want to live in the past, no matter how obscure this past was,
for them it was the ‘Golden Age.’
It is time to fight fire with fire. It is imperative that we
elect Obama in 2012 and that we get more liberals and progressives to fill the
House and the Senate; we must kick out from Congress as many Fundamentalists,
Republicans, Blue Dogs and “Teapers” as we possibly can; We, as a nation, must
continue fighting to maintain the position as leaders of the Free World, the
country of all. The only country whose Preamble to the Declaration of
Independence clearly states “We
hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” We can’t allow these words to
lose their meaning. We can’t allow Fundamentalists to choose who is an equal
or who is entitled to Life, Liberty and above all, pursuit of Happiness. They
yearn for a past long gone and we should never look back; it is our duty to
look optimistically and work towards a better future for ALL. We should
never go back in time, it can’t be done, and it’s futile. We can't continue to
look backwards, not to the preceding administration nor to the previous century;
the time is well overdue to set our eyes in the future, no nation has ever
advanced while immovable, no nation can be in the past and pretend to be
leaping forward, the future always lays ahead, never behind... The choice
should be clear that in order for this nation to continue leading the world into the future, it must learn from its history but never remain a slave of the past.
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